Monday, January 31, 2005

O'Reilly Web Develpers' Library

HTML: The Definitive Guide By Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy
CGI Programming on the World Wide Web By Shishir Gundavaram
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide By David Flannagan
Programming Perl By Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Randal L. Schwartz
Web Master in a Nutshell By Stephen Spainhour & Valerie Quercia

Combined Index
Combined Search

Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats y James D. Murray and William vanRyper

Why did we write this book? The short answer is that graphics file formats are immortal. Like it or not, data files from the dawn of the computer age are still with us, and they're going to be around for a long time to come. Even when the way we think about data itself changes (as it inevitably will), hundreds of millions of files will still be out there in backup storage. We'll always need a way to read, understand, and display them.

Symbolic Link Format

The Microsoft SYLK (Symbolic Link) format is used mainly for the interchange of spreadsheet data between applications such as Microsoft Multiplan and Excel. Files in this format might also be imported directly by business graphics applications. SYLK files are written entirely in ASCII and, like Lotus DIF and SDI, are application-independent. SYLK, however, incorporates several features not found in other spreadsheet data interchange formats.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Background applications listening for keyboard activity

The KeyboardListener class presented here allows capturing keyboard events even when another application is running in the foreground. Several threads inside your application might be listening for events in parallel, each handling the events in its own way.

The KeyboardListener class can only be used on Windows XP because its implementation depends on the Win32 methods RegisterRawInputDevices and GetRawInputData which are currently only available on XP.

Creative Commons & Science Commons

Creative Commons offers a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors and artists. We have built upon the "all rights reserved" of traditional copyright to create a voluntary "some rights reserved" copyright. We're a nonprofit. All of our tools are free.

The mission of Science Commons is to encourage scientific innovation by making it easier for scientists, universities, and industries to use literature, data, and other scientific intellectual property and to share their knowledge with others. Science Commons works within current copyright and patent law to promote legal and technical mechanisms that remove barriers to sharing.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Cairo - a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output


Cairo is a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, OpenGL (via glitz), in-memory image buffers, and image files (PNG and PostScript). Initial work has begun on support for PDF file output. Cairo is designed to produce identical output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (eg. through the X Render Extension or OpenGL).

Cairo provides a stateful user-level API with capabilities similar to the PDF 1.4 imaging model. Cairo provides operations including stroking and filling Bezier cubic splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and antialiased text rendering.

Cairo was once named Xr, (or Xr/Xc), so if you came looking for that software, you've found it.

Cairo is a free software library available under either the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the Mozilla Public License (MPL).

This website is a wiki. If you'd like to experiment with it, please play in the sandbox.

MS Internal Coding Guidelines

Brad Abrams (Microsoft): Internal Coding Guidelines


FxCop is a code analysis tool that checks .NET managed code assemblies for conformance to the Microsoft .NET Framework Design Guidelines. It uses reflection, MSIL parsing, and callgraph analysis to inspect assemblies for more than 200 defects in the following areas:
  • Library design
  • Localization
  • Naming conventions
  • Performance
  • Security

FxCop includes both GUI and command line versions of the tool, as well as an SDK to create custom rules.

Mozilla and XForms

"Traditional HTML Web forms don't separate the purpose from the presentation of a form. XForms, in contrast, are comprised of separate sections that describe what the form does, and how the form looks. This allows for flexible presentation options, including classic XHTML forms, to be attached to an XML form definition."

"This XForms project has the goal to implement the W3C's XForms 1.0 recommendation in Mozilla."

Sunday, January 23, 2005


A irjak:

Why use XUL?

The XML User Interface Language (XUL) is a markup language for creating rich dynamic user interfaces. It is a part of the Mozilla browser and related applications and is available as part of Gecko. It is designed to be portable and is available on all versions of Windows, Macintosh as well as Linux and other Unix flavours. With XUL and other Gecko components, you can create sophisticated applications without special tools.

XUL was designed for creating the user interface of the Mozilla application including the web browser, mail client and page editor. XUL may be used to create these types of applications. However, it may also be used any place you would use currently use a web application, for instance, when you need to be able to retrieve resources from the network and require a richer user interface. Like HTML, in XUL you can create an interface using a markup language, use CSS style sheets to define appearance and use JavaScript for behavior. You also have access to programming interfaces for reading and writing to remote content over the network and for calling web services. Unlike HTML however, XUL provides a rich set of user interface widgets for creating menus, toolbars, tabbed panels, and hierarchical trees to give a few examples.

This means you don't have to look for third party code or include a large block of JavaScript in your application just to handle a popup menu. XUL has all of these elements built-in. In addition, the elements are designed to look and feel just like those on the user's native platform, even supporting OS level themes in Windows XP and MacOS X. Or, if you prefer, you can use standard CSS to create your own look. The XUL widgets also support localization and have support for accessibility using OS level accessiblity interfaces.

Mozilla wiki es bugzilla

Meglepo modon es

Monday, January 17, 2005

Budapest 2004.01.15.

Szombaton maszkaltam egy kicsit es probalgattam a karacsonyra kapott fenykepezogep panoramakep funkciojat.

Mar csak arra kene rajonni, hogy hogyan tudok a Hello-val egyszerre tobb kepet is postolni, mert most minden kep egy kulon post-kent jelenik meg, amiket aztan szepen kitorolgetek.
Az is jo lenne, ha nem postolna egybol, csak egy draft-ot keszitene.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

List of free math books on the Net

"Hi, my name is Alexandre Stefanov and this is my homepage.
The reason for creating a site was my desire to make an extensive list of free math books on the Net."

Friday, January 14, 2005

Free Software Magazine

"Free Software Magazine is the free magazine for the free software world, available on paper and in electronic format."

Az elso szam mar olvashato/letoltheto.

Ezt irja a foszerkeszto: "All of the articles are released under a free license six weeks after publication. This means that we’ll steadily build up a library of valuable material, which can then be used both in technical and non-technical discussions by the public at large."

Energiat tomegge (Google calculator hiba)

Tegnap beirtuk a Google-nek, hogy "convert 1 joule to kg" mire ezt valaszolta:
"1 Joule = 1.11265006 × 10-17 kilograms"

Probaltam megirni valahogy nekik, de sehol nem talaltam olyan cimet, ahova az eszreveteleket varnak. Vegul a Google Groups-ra irtam meg, ahol egy Duff nevu fickotol jott ez a valasz:

Yes, you are right google is considering a relationship between mass
and energy
I also tried 1 cal to ton
1 calorie = 5.13162053 × 10-20 ton
It must be a new theory discovered by google
Einstein dicovered that energy = mass x speed of light
And google made the amazing discovery of the mass of 1 joule

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Online matek konyvek az AMS-en

Az AMS-en ingyen olvashato konyvek.
Ezek a temakorok vannak (1 konyv tobb temakorbe is tartozhat):
  • Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - 14 konyv
  • Analysis - 7 konyv
  • Applications - 1 konyv
  • Differential Equations - 4 konyv
  • General Interest - 4 konyv
  • Geometry and Topology - 4 konyv
  • Logic and Foundations - 1 konyv
  • Mathematical Physics - 2 konyv
  • Number Theory - 4 konyv
  • Probability - 1 konyv

Friday, January 07, 2005

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Peter W. Michor

Homepage of Prof. Dr. Peter W. Michor at Math Faculty of University of Vienna

The Erdös Number Project

"Paul Erdös (1913–1996), the widely-traveled and incredibly prolific Hungarian mathematician of the highest caliber, wrote hundreds of mathematical research papers in many different areas, many in collaboration with others. His Erdös number is 0. Erdös’s co-authors have Erdös number 1. People other than Erdös who have written a joint paper with someone with Erdös number 1 but not with Erdös have Erdös number 2, and so on. If there is no chain of co-authorships connecting someone with Erdös, then that person’s Erdös number is said to be infinite."

Ha mar Erdos:
"This page is dedicated to his memory."
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth
MY BRAIN IS OPEN : The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos
Erdos on Graphs: His Legacy of Unsolved Problems
Wikipadia Erdosrol vagy magyarul
Erdos Pal: Hogyan lettem matematikus es vilagvandor?
Agyam nyitva all
A prim ember

Math-Net an International Information and Communication System

Today, many mathematicians and mathematical institutions offer information on the Web. Math-Net intends to coordinate the electronic information and communication activities of the global mathematical community with the aim to enhance the free-flow of information within the community.
Math-Net is a global electronic information and communication system for mathematics providing e.g.
  • results of mathematical research and development
  • teaching material
  • information about working mathematicians and mathematical institutions

  • SIGMA: Searchable index for Global mathematical resources
  • MPRESS: The Mathematics Preprint Search System
  • Persona Mathematica: Find personal homepages or addresses of mathematicians
  • Navigator: Find out more about institutions taking part at Math-Net
  • Math Links: Visit our collection of mathematical resources and related links
  • Math Journals: Mathematical Journals in WWW
  • General: History, Community, Outreach, Awards,...
  • People: Members of Math Societies
  • News: Events, Positions Available, Grants, ...
  • Research: Publications, Projects, Software,...
  • Teaching: Teaching Materials, Courses,...
  • Information Services: Libraries, Bibliographic Databases, ...

Amikor itt jartam a Research es a Teaching eppen nem mukodott. e-Print archive

arXiv is an e-print service in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. The contents of arXiv conform to Cornell University academic standards. arXiv is owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution. arXiv is also partially funded by the National Science Foundation.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Paul Graham megmondja a frankot

Bar hackerekrol ir, de egyszeru mezei non-hackerekre is igaz dologkat:

"One of the worst kinds of projects is writing an interface to a piece of software that's full of bugs. Another is when you have to customize something for an individual client's complex and ill-defined needs. "
" It's more a question of self-preservation. Working on nasty little problems makes you stupid."
"I think it's mainly not having to have a three hour meeting with a product manager about problems integrating the Korean version of Word 13.27 with the talking paperclip."

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Edwin A. Abbott: Sikfold

"A mult szazad vegen megjelent Sikfold igazi tudomanyos fantasztikus csemege. Az iro a negyedik dimenzio letet igyekszik valoszinusiteni az euklideszi geometria leleplezesevel. A tortenet a ketdimenzios vilag egyik polgara: egy Negyzet meseli el, aki vegul is eretnek nezetei miatt bortonbe kerul."

Ingyen olvashato a MEK-en.

13. gyok

Van egy olyan verseny, ahol 100 jegyu szamoknak kell a 13. gyoket fejben kiszamolni. A jelenlegi csucsot Alexis Lemaire tartja !!13.55!! masodperccel.

Az ugye ki van zarva, hogy valaki megjegyezte az osszes szamot, aminek a 13. hatvanya 100 jegyu (es annak 13. hatvanyat), mert ilyenbol osszesen 7.992.563 darab van.

Mivel az elozo kategoriaban mar brutalisan leszoritottak az idoket most mast talaltak ki. Az uj feladat, hogy egy 200 jegyu szam 13. gyoket kell fejben kiszamolni. Lehet probalkozni batran, hisz nem tobb, mint 393.544.396.177.593 variacio merul fel.

Azert, hogy ne lehessen ossze-vissza probalkozni vannak bizonyos szabalyok. Peldaul egy hivatalos versenyen maximum 10-szer, egy even belul pedig maximum 30-szor lehet probalkozni. Ja es legalabb fel evre elore be kell jelenteni, hogy melyik versenyen hany kiserletet teszunk.

Fazekas Istvan: Valoszinusegszamitas oktatasi segedanyag

"A mu egyeni tanulmanyozas celjara szabadon letoltheto. Minden egyeb felhasznalas csak a szerzo elozetes irasbeli engedelyevel tortenhet."

Kar, hogy ilyen csunya frame-es megoldast valasztottak.

Heisenberg, Einstein, Mach, Poincare irasai

Nem tudom ezek mennyire legalisan vannak itt es hogy meddig maradnak.

Werner Heisenberg vallasrol es tudomanyrol Heisenberg A resz és az egesz: Beszelgetesek az atomfizikarol c.kotetebol

Albert Einstein vallasrol es tudomanyrol Ket szemelveny
Albert Einstein Vilagkepem c. kotetebol.

Ernst Mach: Az erzetek elemzese

Henri Poincare: Tudomany es folteves

Termeszet Vilaga

"Európa egyik legrégibb tudományos ismeretterjesztô folyóirata, az 1869-ben alapított Természettudományi Közlöny, mai nevén Természet Világa idén már a 134. évfolyamánál tart. A lap a földkerekség számára már 1996. szeptember 29. óta hozzáférhető a világhálón."

Szamonkent 1-2 cikk hozzaferheto.

Saturday, January 01, 2005 :: Power Tools for Online Mathematics

Mathforge attempts to be a central point on the web by which general points of interest may be found. A goal of Mathforge is to bridge the gap from the knowledgeable to the merely-interested. Mathematics is an enormous and highly intriguing field of knowledge, with a rich history and a large impact on our daily lives-- yet few of us understand it.

What we're looking for are stories which bridge the aforementioned gap and help the majority to understand what the minority-- the mathematicians-- are working on.

Web-based mathematics tools. Message boards, calculation tools, publishing tools, and more. This site is developed primarily by the users. It's designed to be a one-stop domain for all things math.

Innen par link:

Es tovabb:

Es lehetne folytatni meg sokaig.

Cognitive Science at Indiana University, Bloomington

Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and the nature of intelligence.

Since 1989, the Cognitive Science Program has published technical reports of ongoing research by faculty members.Starting with #224, Indiana University Cognitive Science Tech Reports are available as PDF files.

Itt dolgozik Douglas Hofstadter is, akinek a Gödel, Escher, Bach: Egybefont gondolatok birodalma cimu konyvet mar probalom beszerezni egy ideje.
Meg persze tanitanak itt masok is, akiktol esetleg erdemes lenne elolvasni ezt-azt. peldaul:

Kóczy T. László - Tikk Domonkos: Fuzzy rendszerek

A Typotex kiado E-konyvtaraban ingyen olvashato konyv.