Friday, April 29, 2005

Not Another C# Versus VB Article

This article explains the benefits of a Microsoft .NET application development organization coding in C# versus coding in VB.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

EqWorld - The World of Mathematical Equations

Equations play a crucial role in modern mathematics and form the basis for mathematical modelling of numerous phenomena and processes in science and engineering.

The EqWorld website presents extensive information on solutions to various classes of ordinary differential, partial differential, integral, functional, and other mathematical equations. It also outlines some methods for solving equations, includes interesting articles, gives links to mathematical websites, lists useful handbooks and monographs, and refers to scientific publishers, journals, etc.

David Eppstein oldala

Van itt sokminden, peldaul:

Number-Theoretic Hacks: I have implemented a number of simple number-theoretic algorithms for my own amusement, and provide them here on the net.

Combinatorial Game Theory: Combinatorial Game Theory studies strategies and mathematics of two-player games of perfect knowledge such as chess or go (but often either concentrating instead on simpler games such as nim, or solving endgames and other special cases). An important distinction between this subject and classical game theory (a branch of economics) is that game players are assumed to move in sequence rather than simultanously, so there is no point in randomization or other information-hiding strategies.

Geometry in Action: This page collects various areas in which ideas from discrete and computational geometry (meaning mainly low-dimensional Euclidean geometry) meet some real world applications. It contains brief descriptions of those applications and the geometric questions arising from them, as well as pointers to web pages on the applications themselves and on their geometric connections. This is largely organized by application but some major general techniques are also listed as topics.

The Geomety Junkyard: These pages contain usenet clippings, web pointers, lecture notes, research excerpts, papers, abstracts, programs, problems, and other stuff related to discrete and computational geometry. Some of it is quite serious, but I hope much of it is also entertaining.

The Galileo Project

The Galileo Project is a source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Our aim is to provide hypertextual information about Galileo and the science of his time to viewers of all ages and levels of expertise.

KaBol - Knot a Braid of Links

KaBoL is a "cool math site of the week" service to the mathematics community provided within Camel by the Canadian Mathematical Society. Since it was launched in 1996, KaBoL has featured hundreds of valuable math pages.

Kar, hogy utoljara tavaly szeptemberben nyultak hozza, de azert igy is sok mindent lehet talalni.

The Sound of Mathematics

This site has GM MIDI files of algorithmic music determined by mathematics and the musical preferences of a human.
A kedvenceim:
Pascal haromszog
The Omega Constant
Euler phi fuggvenye
Fibonacci sorozat

The Prime Pages

The Prime Pages: Access to hundreds of pages of award-winning information on prime numbers--with links to thousands of pages elsewhere. We host the searchable database of the 5000 largest known primes (updated weekly). We also have a glossary, top 10 records lists, prime-music, programs, free downloads, and much more!

Mersenne primek

Mersenne prim a wikipedian.

Marin Mersenne

Mersenne Primes: History, Theorems and Lists

Will Edgington Mersenne prim oldala

GIMPS: The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

Friday, April 08, 2005

Skype is free Internet telephony

Skype is for calling other people on their computers or phones.