Arrol ir, hogy egy pontrendszer segitsegevel szuri ki a spameket a comment-ek kozul.
A lenyeg:
For everything in a comment that I like, you get a point. For everything I don’t like, you lose a point (or two, or three). If you get a 1 or higher, you’ve made it on the site as a valid comment. If you get a 0, it’s set for moderation and I’ll take a look at it. If it’s below 0, it’s marked as spam and I’ll never see it (although I check every couple weeks just in case a legitimate comment needs to be unflagged). If it falls below -10, I don’t even bother saving it to the database since it is so obviously spam.
Pontokat meg ezekre ad:
How many links are in the body | More than 2 | -1 point per link |
Less than 2 | +2 points | |
How long is the body | More than 20 characters and there’s no links | + 2 points |
Less than 20 characters | -1 point | |
Number of previous comments from email | Approved comments | +1 point per |
Marked as spam | -1 point per | |
Keyword search | Levitra, viagra, casino, etc. | -1 point per |
URLs that have certain words or characters in them | .html, .info, ?, & or free | -1 point per |
URLs that have certain TLDs | .de, .pl, or .cn (sorry guys) | -1 point |
URL length | More than 30 characters | -1 point |
Body starts with… | Interesting, Sorry, Nice or Cool. | -10 points |
Author name | has http:// in it | -2 points per |
Body used in previous comment | -1 point per | |
Random character match | 5 consonants | -1 point per |