Mac OS X includes Samba support by default, and this is really handy if you’d like to remotely restart and monitor services running on a Windows machine.
To list services running on the Windows machine, use this command:net rpc service list -I IPADDRESS -U USERNAME%PASSWORD
A practical example would be:net rpc service list -I -U Windows%myPassword
After identifying the service you want to restart, you issue the following command to stop the service:net rpc service stop SERVICENAME -I IPADDRESS -U USERNAME%PASSWORD
Then you can restart (or start) the service by using the following command:net rpc service start SERVICENAME -I IPADDRESS -U USERNAME%PASSWORD
This is tip that I found on Lifehacker that was aimed at Linux users, but considering Mac OS X has a unix underbelly equipped with samba the command works just the same on a Mac.