A publications reszbol lehet eljutni az ERCIM News-hoz, ahol ilyesmiket lehet talalni:
- Automated Software Engineering (pdf 80 pages; 18 Mb)
- Games Technology (pdf 72 pages; 11,6 Mb)
- Semantic Web (pdf 64 pages; 13,7 Mb)
- Web Technologies (pdf 56 pages; 4 Mb)
- Programming Language Technologies (pdf 48 pages; 1,3 Mb)
Szinten a publications alatt talalhato a Technical reports resz: "The ERCIM research reports series was an occasion for the ERCIM fellows to publish their research results. Their reports are now published by the hosting institute."
A Fellowship Programme oldalt nezegetve kiderul, hogy a SZTAKI emberei mennyire alul vannak fizetve a tobbiekhez kepest. Meg a Gorogok is jelentosen tobbet kapnak.
Egyebkent Paul Vitanyi (vagy Vitany Pal?) oldalarol jutottam ide, akinek szinten rengeteg irasa hozzaferheto ingyen.
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