think again! will present a math problem every day. Sundays, Nundays, Rainy Days, and Nonexisiting Days included.
Why? you cry! A lot of reasons. Here are two.
If you are a math teacher or a parent you should feed your kids problems and challenges, not answers and the remote. Good problems are not easy to come by, so I will collect some here.
If you like to exercise your mind, I like to hear your thinking. That is what the comments section is for. How do you solve problems? Don't just give the answer, tell me how you found it. I like to learn from you.
Learning starts with questions and problems, not with answers and solutions. John Locke was right when he said that the mind is a fire to be ignited, not a pot to be filled.
The problems in 'think again!' are not problems, they are seeds to start you thinking. If a problem is too hard, simplify it. If a problem is too easy, generalise it. If a problem is not to your taste, solve a similar problem. Whatever you do, post a comment and share your thinking. Challenge the other readers, share with them your findings and how your mind operates.