Ez meg az elozohoz tartozik:
For some languages, it is possible to use a localized equivalent of _files to create a subfolder for connected files. The following list contains the valid strings that can be appended to a document name to create a connected files subfolder. Note that some of these strings have a "-" character as their first character rather than a "_" or a "." character.
Ugyan meg ezt is irjak:
For additional information about the Connected Files feature, click the following link to view the Microsoft Web site:
de azota az url-eket megreformaltak es ezen az utvonalon csak ezt kapjuk:
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the location you are seeking cannot be found.
Ez lenne a javitott url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/shell_basics/shell_basics_programming/manage.asp
Irtam nekik errol is, aztan majd meglatjuk javitjak-e.