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Note about the scope of this document: This document focuses on the Unicode layer, the XML 1.0 layer and the Namespaces in XML layer. Getting higher layers like XHTML and Atom right are outside the scope of this document. Also, anything served as text/html
is outside the scope of this document, alhough the methods described here can be applied to producing HTML. In fact, doing so is even a good idea.
- Don’t think of XML as a text format
- Don’t use text-based templates
- Don’t
- Use an isolated serializer
- Use a tree or a stack (or an XML parser)
- Don’t try to manage namespace declarations manually
- Use unescaped Unicode strings in memory
- Use UTF-8 (or UTF-16) for output
- Use NFC
- Don’t expect software to look inside comments
- Don’t rely on external entities on the Web
- Don’t bother with CDATA sections
- Don’t bother with escaping non-ASCII
- Avoid adding pretty-printing white space in character data
- Don’t use
- Use XML 1.0
- Test with astral characters
- Test with forbidden control characters
- Test with broken UTF-*