Wednesday, December 07, 2005

[bball] Kevin Pelton a Pick-and-Roll-rol

Itt van az egesz, de a lenyeg:

Basically, there are four main ways NBA teams defend the pick-and-roll:

Switch it - The players defending the ballhandler and the picker switch, usually creating a mismatch. Barkley and Smith do not believe this is a successful defense (at least against Nash and the Suns).

Trap - Both defenders go towards the ballhandler and aggressively trap him while the other three defenders zone against the four remaining offensive players.

"Show" or "Hedge" - The player defending the picker briefly steps out into the ballhandler's path, slowing him up enough that the player defending the ballhandler has time to recover. Then the player defending the picker recovers to his original man. It's worth noting that this is how the Spurs usually defend the pick-and-roll.

Go under the pick - Done only against weak shooters, the player defending the picker steps back to allow the player defending the ballhandler to go between him and the screen and get to his man. This leaves an open jumpshot for the ballhandler.

There are also two main locations for pick-and-rolls -- at the top of the key and at the elbow (the free-throw line extended to approximately where it would intersect the 3-point line).

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Position Is Everything - CSS bugs in modern browsers

We're Big John and Holly Bergevin, and together we built this site to explain some obtuse CSS bugs in modern browsers, provide demo examples of interesting CSS behaviors, and show how to "make it work" without using tables for layout purposes.

5 css tutorial

A oldalon ez az 5 css tutorial olvashato:

Listamatic - one list, many options: Can you take a simple list and use CSS to create radically different list options? The Listamatic shows the power of CSS when applied to a simple list.

Listamatic 2 - nested list options: Well, you asked for them. Nested lists! Choose from one of the growing number of samples or submit a list of your own.

Listutorial - tutorial on CSS based lists: Step by step tutorials on using CSS to create background image lists, rollover lists, nested lists and horizontal lists.

Floattutorial - tutorial on CSS floats: Step by step tutorials on using CSS to create floating images, images with captions, next and back buttons, drop caps, inline lists and more.

Selecttutorial - CSS selectors: The structure of rules, the document tree, types of selectors and their uses. Plus a step by step tutorial using selectors to build a 3-column layout.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML)

HTML [RFC 1866] defines a powerful means of specifying multimedia documents. These multimedia documents consist of a text/html root resource (object) and other subsidiary resources (image, video clip, applet, etc. objects) referenced by Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) within the text/html root resource. When an HTML multimedia document is retrieved by a browser, each of these component resources is individually retrieved in real time from a location, and using a protocol, specified by each URI.

In order to transfer a complete HTML multimedia document in a single e-mail message, it is necessary to: a) aggregate a text/html root resource and all of the subsidiary resources it references into a single composite message structure, and b) define a means by which URIs in the text/html root can reference subsidiary resources within that composite message structure.

This document a) defines the use of a MIME multipart/related structure to aggregate a text/html root resource and the subsidiary resources it references, and b) specifies a MIME content-header (Content-Location) that allow URIs in a multipart/related text/html root body part to reference subsidiary resources in other body parts of the same multipart/related structure.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Treehouse pdf magazin ingyenes elso szam

A Particletree oldalarol letoltheto az elso (ingyenes) szam.

- Jeremy Keith: A Brief History of Javascript
- Shaun Inman Interview
- DOM Scripting (Book Review)
- Code Links

- John Zeratsky: Inheriting Expectations
- Jason Santa Maria Interview
- Bulletproof Web Design (Book Review)
- Design Links

Friday, October 07, 2005

Typetester - Compare fonts for the screen

What is Typetester?

The Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen. Its’ primary role is to make web designer’s life easier. As the new fonts are bundled into operating systems, the list of the common fonts will be updated.
Technical details

Scott Herron: The many names of @ [zavinac, apestaartje, klammeraffe, shabloo, chiocciola, ...]

All over the world, people are logging on the 'net in countries that never heard of "eggs @ $1.50 a dozen," and whose keyboards never had such a key before. Find out how they are coping here.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

K. Scott Allen: If All Movies Ever Made Were Really About Software...

Itt van az eredeti, de azert bemasolom:

A Few Good Objects
Col. Jessup: You want destructors?
Kaffe: I think I’m entitled.
Col. Jessup: You want destructors?
Kaffe: I want deterministic finalization.
Col Jessup: You can’t handle deterministic finalization!

Pulp Compilers
Vincent: You know what they call a switch statement in VB?
Jules: They don’t call it a switch statement?
Vincent: No man, this is the same language that has an AndAlso operator.
Jules: Then what do they call it?
Vincent: They call it a Select Case.

Full Metal Packet
Gunnery Sargent Hartman: My orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the chops to serve on my beloved accounting package software project. Do you maggots understand that?

Star Warez
[R2-D2 and Chewbacca are pair programming aboard the Millennium Falcon]
Chewbacca: Wurgleaaaaaaaghooooo!
C-3PO: It’s legal syntax. Screaming about it won’t help you.
Han Solo: Delete it. It’s not wise to upset a wookie.
C-3PO: But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid.
Han Solo: That’s because droids don’t pull people’s arms out of their sockets over bad code. Wookies are known to do that.
Chewbacca: Rrrrroo.
C-3PO: I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy , R2. Let the wookie take the keyboard.

Lord Of The Token Rings
Aragorn: Are you frightened?
Frodo: Yes.
Aragorn: Not nearly frightened enough. I know your bug count.

Null Terminator 2
Terminator: I need your source code, your compiler, and your static code analysis tools.
Biker: You forgot to say please…

Bridge Pattern Over The River Kwai
Colnel Saito: Do not speak to me of rules! This is software programming! This is not a game of cricket!

2001: The Speech Recognition Odyssey
Dave: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
HAL: What did you say about Bombay, Dave?
Dave: I said open the pod bay doors, HAL.
HAL: I don’t know anyone named Doris, Dave.
Dave: Give me a freakin’ keyboard!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Szomszedos szamok kihuzasanak valoszinusege

A MathForge-on van egy hir Konstantinos Drakakis irasarol, amiben leirja hogyan lehet kiszamolni annak a valoszinuseget, hogy m szambol n-et kihuzva lesz koztuk 2 szomszedos.
Az elso megoldas szerint: p(n,m)=1-[C(n-m+1, m)]/[C(n,m)], ahol C(n,m) n elem m-edosztalyu kombinacioja, azaz n!/((m!*(n-m)!)

Az otoslottonal ezek szerint annak az eselye, hogy szomszedos szamokat is kihuznak 21%, a hatoslottonal 53%.
A szerencsejatek rt. oldalan talalhato tobbeves statisztikat megvizsgalva az jott ki, hogy valoban az otoslottonal az elmult 2529 huzasbol 572-szer szerepeltek szomszedos szamok, ami 23%. A hatoslottonal 694 huzasbol 381-szer fordult elo, ami 55%.

Mivel itt eleg nagy szamok faktorialisait kene kiszamolni nem maradhat el az egyszerusites, aminel pedig ezt kapjuk:
p(n,m) = 1 - [(k-1)*(k-2)*...(k-m+1)]/[n*(n-1)*...*(k+1)], ahol k=n-m+1
p(90,5) = 1 - [82*83*84*85]/[87*88*89*90]
p(45,6) = 1 - [35*36*37*38*39]/[41*42*43*44*45]

Friday, August 26, 2005

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Atsushi Eno: the "true" Checklists: XML Performance

While I knew that there are some documents named "Patterns and Practices" from Microsoft, I didn't know that there is a section for XML Performance. Sadly, I was scarcely satisfied by that document. The checklist is so insufficient, and some of them are missing the points (and some are even worse for performance). So here I put the "true" checklists to save misinformed .NET XML developers.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Ecma International is an industry association founded in 1961 and dedicated to the standardization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Consumer Electronics (CE).

Itt van az lista

nehany pelda:
ECMA-334 C# Language Specification, 3rd edition (June 2005) [pdf]

ECMA-335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 3rd edition (June 2005) [pdf]

ECMA-367 Eiffel analysis, design and programming Language (June 2005) [pdf]

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Puzzlet Page

Enjoy mental workouts?
Use maths occasionally?
Like numerical brainteasers?
Revel in intellectual challenges?
Dabble in computer programming?

Answer "yes" to any of the above, and you've come to the right place!

What is a Puzzlet?

A mathematical problem which will almost always require the use of a simple computer program to solve.

You will need at least a rudimentary knowledge of maths to solve it, and occasionally more. You can use this skill to understand the problem, derive a formula to resolve it if necessary, and define the range within which the answer should fall.

At this stage, you will usually be unable to derive an exact answer, and will have to resort to a simple computer program to go further. You'll have to develop an algorithm, write the code, debug it, and get it to run.

Finally, you need to test your answer for accuracy and completeness. Many Puzzlets have several answers, and part of the challenge is to be sure you've found them all. That, then, is the complete Puzzlet experience!

Itt van peldaul a 151-es:
Look at the prime number 3137. If one digit at a time is deleted, we generate the "sub-numbers" 137, 337, 317, 313. All four new of the sub-numbers are also prime,or sub-primes. Are there any more 4-digit primes which behave in exactly the same way?

Friday, July 22, 2005

Paul J. Leach: UUIDs and GUIDs (February 4, 1998)

This specification defines the format of UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier).

Raymond Chen: Computing the size of a directory is more than just adding file sizes

One might think that computing the size of a directory would be a simple matter of adding up the sizes of all the files in it.

Oh if it were only that simple.

There are many things that make computing the size of a directory difficult, some of which even throw into doubt the even existence of the concept "size of a directory".

Itt van a listaja.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Scott Mitchell: What Are .NET Web Services?

Itt van a ppt file es itt a blog bejegyezese.

This talk will examine the fundamentals of Web services from a beginner's perspective, focusing on the goals of Web services and common uses of Web services in industry today. It Includes a high-level look at the core Web service standards, along with live demos illustrating how to create a Web service and client application using Visual Studio .NET.

Windows File System Tunneling

Windows NT Contains File System Tunneling Capabilities:

When a name is removed from a directory (rename or delete), its short/long name pair and creation time are saved in a cache, keyed by the name that was removed. When a name is added to a directory (rename or create), the cache is searched to see if there is information to restore. The cache is effective per instance of a directory. If a directory is deleted, the cache for it is removed.

These paired operations can cause tunneling on "name".
- delete(name)/create(name)
- delete(name)/rename(source, name)
- rename(name, newname)/create(name)
- rename(name, newname)/rename(source, name)

The idea is to mimic the behavior MS-DOS programs expect when they use the safe save method. They copy the modified data to a temporary file, delete the original and rename the temporary to the original. This should seem to be the original file when complete. Windows performs tunneling on both FAT and NTFS file systems to ensure long/short file names are retained when 16-bit applications perform this safe save operation.
Tunneling cache time can be adjusted from the default time of 15 seconds, or if tunneling capabilities are undesirable, it can be disabled by adding a value in the Windows Registry.

A fenti cikk innen van:
Raymond Chen: The apocryphal history of file system tunnelling

O ezt irja meg:

As another example of the importance of tunneling, consider that file "File with long name.txt", whose short name is say "FILEWI~1.TXT". You load this file into a program that is not long-filename-aware and save it. It deletes the old "FILEWI~1.TXT" and creates a new one with the same name. Without tunnelling, the associated long name of the file would be lost. Instead of a friendly long name, the file name got corrupted into this thing with squiggly marks. Not good.

Illetve leirja, hogy a tunneling kifejezes a quantum mechanikabol lett atveve.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Andrew D. Birrell: An Introduction to Programming with C# Threads

Itt van a pdf (41 oldal).

1. Introduction
2. Why use concurrency?
3. The design of a thread facility
4. Using Locks: accessing shared data
5. Using Wait and Pulse: scheduling shared resources
6. Using Threads: working in parallel
7. Using Interrupt: diverting the flow of control
8. Additional techniques
9. Advanced C# Features
10. Building your program
11. Concluding remarks

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

hpirate - konyvek magyarul

Van itt egy halom konyv, de nem tunik tul legalisnak.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Mérő László: A játékelmélet és a racionalitás pszichológiája (Élet és Tudomány - Sulinet)

Amikor egy hosszú sorozat végére pontot tesz a szerkesztő, természetesen egy kicsit büszke: a lap történelme ismét gazdagabb lett egy fejezettel. De némi szomorúságot is érez, még ha közben a mindenki másképp egyforma könyv alakban is megjelent, s olvasónknak igy bőségesen módjában áll kalandozni a játékelmélet és a racionalitás pszichológiája világában. Mérő László lapunkban nem művének zanzáját közölte, hanem alkalmasan kiválasztott részleteiből egy önálló ívet épített.

1. A Dollárárverés ördögi spirálja
2. A pózolás
3. Marsbéli etikák
4. A főszereplő megjelenik
5. A fogoly dilemmája
6. A közlegelők problémája
7. Fogolydilemmák az életben
8. Az aranyszabály és a szeretet csapdái
9. „Az értelemig és tovább...”
10. Jobb ma egy veréb?
11. Kollektív racionalitás
12. Nem mind fénylik, ami arany
13. Sok út vezet a nirvánába

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

[ingyen konyv] Andrew Troelsen: COM and .NET Interoperability

Apress Publishing has provided TheServerSide.NET with COM and .NET Interoperability for free download.

"COM and .NET Interoperability" covers working with COM components in .NET and .NET components in COM from basic topics like Runtime Callable Wrappers to advanced topics such as manual marshaling of data types between .NET and COM. This book is available in its entirety as a download to registered TSS.NET readers.

Download the FREE Book


Chapter 1 Understanding Platform Invocation Services
Chapter 2 The Anatomy of a COM Server
Chapter 3 A Primer on COM Programming Frameworks
Chapter 4 COM Type Information
Chapter 5 The Anatomy of a .NET Server
Chapter 6 .NET Types
Chapter 7 .NET-to-COM Interoperability — The Basics
Chapter 8 .NET-to-COM Interoperability — Intermediate Topics
Chapter 9 .NET-to-COM Interoperability — Advanced Topics
Chapter 10 COM-to-.NET Interoperability — The Basics
Chapter 11 COM-to-.NET Interoperability — Intermediate Topics
Chapter 12 COM-to-.NET Interoperability — Advanced Topics
Chapter 13 Building Serviced Components (COM+ Interop)

[ingyen konyv] Aaron Skonnard, Martin Gudgin: Essential XML Quick Reference

Essential XML Quick Reference: A Programmer's Reference to XML, XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP, and More

Addison-Wesley and Developmentor have provided TheServerSide.NET with the entire book of Essential XML Quick Reference for free download. Essential XML Quick Reference is for anyone working with today's mainstream XML technologies. It was specifically designed to serve as a handy but thorough quick reference that answers the most common XML-related technical questions.It goes beyond the traditional pocket reference design by providing complete coverage of each topic along with plenty of meaningful examples. Each chapter provides a brief introduction, which is followed by the detailed reference information. This approach assumes the reader has a basic understanding of the given topic.The detailed outline (at the beginning), index (in the back), bleeding tabs (along the side), and the page headers/footers were designed to help readers quickly find answers to their questions.

Download the FREE PDF

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Eric Lippert: What Are "Anonymous Functions" In JScript?

Itt van.

Justin Rogers: Understanding and Solving Internet Explorer Leak Patterns

In the past, memory leaks haven't posed huge problems for Web developers. Pages were kept relatively simple and navigation between different locations within a site was a great way to clean up any loose memory. If there was a leak, it was most likely small enough to go unnoticed.

New Web applications live up to higher standards. A page might run for hours without being navigated and retrieve updated information dynamically through Web services. Language features are pushed to the breaking point by combining complex event schemes, object-oriented JScript, and closures to produce entire applications. With these and other changes, certain memory leak patterns are becoming more prominent, especially those previously hidden by navigation.

The good news is that memory leak patterns can be easily spotted if you know what to look for. Most of the troublesome patterns you might face have known workarounds requiring only a small amount of extra work on your behalf. While some pages might still fall prey to small memory leaks, the most noticeable ones can be easily removed.

The following sections will discuss patterns of memory leaks and point out some common examples of each pattern.:

Circular References — When mutual references are counted between Internet Explorer's COM infrastructure and any scripting engine, objects can leak memory. This is the broadest pattern.

Closures — Closures are a specific form of circular reference that pose the largest pattern to existing Web application architectures. Closures are easy to spot because they rely on a specific language keyword and can be searched for generically. Eric Lippert, one of the developers of the scripting engines, has a great post on closures in general.

Cross-Page Leaks — Cross-page leaks are often very small leaks of internal book-keeping objects as you move from site to site. We'll examine the DOM Insertion Order issue, along with a workaround that shows how small changes to your code can prevent the creation of these book-keeping objects.

Pseudo-Leaks — These aren't really leaks, but can be extremely annoying if you don't understand where your memory is going. We'll examine the script element rewriting and how it appears to leak quite a bit of memory, when it is really performing as required.

In the interest of patterns and design I highly recommend Scott's short blog entry because it demonstrates a general purpose example of removing all closure-based leaks.

Innen jott a link: Joel Webber: Another Word or Two on Memory Leaks

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Google Earth

The idea is simple. It’s a globe that sits inside your PC. You point and zoom to anyplace on the planet that you want to explore. Satellite images and local facts zoom into view. Tap into Google search to show local points of interest and facts. Zoom to a specific address to check out an apartment or hotel. View driving directions and even fly along your route. We invite you to try it now.

Google Earth is free for personal use. No registration is required.

Elso probalkozasok:

Sunday, June 26, 2005

XSS cheatsheet

If you don't know how XSS (Cross Site Scripting) works, this page probably won't help you. This page is for people who already understand the basics of XSS but want a deep understanding of the nuances regarding filter evasion. This page will also not show you how to mitigate these risks or how to write the actual cookie/credential stealing portion of the attack. It will simply show the underlying attack vectors and you can infer the rest.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

malicious web sites to spoof dialog boxes

Secunia Research has discovered a vulnerability in various browsers, which can be exploited by malicious web sites to spoof dialog boxes.

The problem is that JavaScript dialog boxes do not display or include their origin, which allows a new window to open e.g. a prompt dialog box, which appears to be from a trusted site.

The vulnerability has been confirmed in Mozilla 1.7.8, FireFox 1.04, and Camino 0.8.4. Prior versions may also be affected.

Do not browse untrusted web sites while browsing trusted sites.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Connected Files 2: elemei, datoteke, fitxategiak es persze fichiers

Ez meg az elozohoz tartozik:

For some languages, it is possible to use a localized equivalent of _files to create a subfolder for connected files. The following list contains the valid strings that can be appended to a document name to create a connected files subfolder. Note that some of these strings have a "-" character as their first character rather than a "_" or a "." character.

Ugyan meg ezt is irjak:
For additional information about the Connected Files feature, click the following link to view the Microsoft Web site:
de azota az url-eket megreformaltak es ezen az utvonalon csak ezt kapjuk:
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the location you are seeking cannot be found.
Ez lenne a javitott url:
Irtam nekik errol is, aztan majd meglatjuk javitjak-e.

Connected Files

Az MSDN-ben ezt irjak a SHFileOperation Function alatt:

Connecting Files

With Microsoft Windows 2000 or later, it is possible to connect an HTML file with a folder that contains related files such as Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images or style sheets. If file connection is enabled, when you move or copy the HTML file, the folder and all of its files are moved or copied as well. Conversely, if you move the folder with the related files, the HTML file is also moved.

The HTML file must have a .htm or .html extension. You create the connection to the related files by placing the folder that contains them into the same folder as the HTML file. The name of the folder that contains the connected files must be the same as the name of the HTML file followed by "_files" or ".files" (this is case sensitive; for example, ".Files" does not work). An example is given here.

1. Create a file named Test.htm in the C:\Files directory (C:\Files\Test.htm).
2. Create a new folder named Test.files in the C:\Files directory (C:\Files\Text.files).
3. Populate the folder with a few files. Any file placed in this folder is connected to Test.htm.
4. Move or copy the Test.htm file to the C:\Files2 directory.
5. Note that the Test.files directory is now found in the C:\Files2 directory as well.

File connection is enabled by default. It can be disabled by adding a REG_DWORD value, NoFileFolderConnection, to this registry key.


Setting NoFileFolderConnection to 1 disables file connection. If the value is set to zero or is missing, file connection is enabled.

Irtam nekik, hogy a peldajuk masodik pontjaban a "C:\Files\Text.files" reszt javitsak ki "C:\Files\Test.files"-re. Majd meglatjuk mi lesz.

Innen jutottam el a SHFileOperation oldalra.

Friday, June 17, 2005

CELEBRATE is a 30-month, € 5m Information Society Technology project supported by the European Commission. The main task is to create an innovative approach to teaching using eLearning technologies, based on a vision of what electronic content (resources, services and communication tools) may look like in the future.

A key aim of the project is to investigate how LOs can be handled by a new generation of Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) from a variety of different vendors and to test the interoperability of these systems in a real-life demonstrator. It is intended that CELEBRATE will act as a catalyst for the European eLearning content industry (the entire value-chain including content owners, publishers, broadcasters, national school networks and technology platform vendors).

The project's evaluation activities particularly analyse the extent to which new, more flexible forms of content development and distribution (based on reusable LOs) impact upon the learning process and support a new pedagogy for eLearning in schools based on constructivist learning models. In particular, the project will assess how the use of LOs encourages the development of key ‘digital-age’ skills such as collaborative working, creativity, inter-disciplinary awareness, adaptiveness, intercultural communication and problem-solving.

Rengeteg tananyag kerult fel magyarul. Jelenleg ezeket talaltam:

A harántcsíkolt izom
A HIV-vírus terjedése
A női ciklus
Mendel kísérlete
A fotoszintézis sötétszakasza
A fotoszintézis fényszakasza
Aktív transzport
Passzív transzportok
Az ember szaporodása
A növények magánélete
Gerincesek rendszer és élettana

A helyzeti energia
A munka
Az energia
Az energiamegmaradás
Felületi hullámok
Homorú tükör
A Nap
Húrok hangja
Pálcák hangja
Arkhimédész törvénye
Kirchhoff I. törvényének alkalmazása
Kirchhoff II. törvényének alkalmazása
A síkkondenzátor
Energia a háztartásban
Az egyszerű gépek
Vékony lencsék
Soros RLC-kör
Kondenzátorok kapcsolásai
Áramköri elemek
Kepler I. törvénye
Kepler II. törvénye
Kepler III. törvénye
Maghasadás és láncreakció
Az atombomba
A prizma
Mûszerek kapcsolása
Lámpák és elemek kapcsolásai
A víz három halmazállapota
Ellenállások kapcsolásai
Tranzisztorok alkalmazásai
MRI- Orvosi Nobel Díj
Az ÉS kapu
A VAGY kapu
Gyakoribb légköri fényjelenségek
Villám és mennydörgés
A fény diszperziója
A fény diszperziója 2
Csillagászati összefoglalás
Exponenciális bomlástörvény
Bomlási sorok
Klasszikus atommodellek
A sűrűség

A kémhatás
Az atomok elektronszerkezete
A szén 1 (A természetes módosulatok)
A szén 2 (Az amorf szén)
A periódusos rendszer
Szappanok mosóhatása
A molekulák szerkezete
A kovalens kötés
Az ionkötés

A parabola
Középponti és kerületi szögek
Mûveletek vektorokkal
Thalész tétele
Statisztikai adatok és ábrázolásuk
Statisztikai közepek
Adatok szóródása
Körök kölcsönös helyzetei a síkban
Addíciós tételek
A koszinusztétel
A szinusztétel
mértani helyek
A szög mérése
A koszinuszfüggvény
Statisztikai gyakorló feladatok
A szinuszfüggvény
Az utazó ügynök
Geometriai transzformációk
Sir William játékai
Euler hídjai
Gráfokról röviden
Statisztikai alapfogalmak

Találd ki Európa
Magyarország megyéi
Európai országok
A tükrök
A szinusz és koszinusz szögfüggvények általánosítása
A számítógép
A számítógép fontosabb hardver részei
Magyar nyelvtan-Helyesírási fejlesztő
Ázsia földrajza
Az I. világháborút lezáró békerendszer
A légszennyezéssel kapcsolatos anyag
A jég

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Scott Mitchell: Enter and the Button Click Event

Of particular interest to ASP.NET developers, though, is that when creating an ASP.NET Web Form hitting Enter to submit the form seemingly sometimes causes the page's Button Web control's Click event to fire, and other times not. In this short article we'll see under what conditions a Button Web control's Click event might not fire when the user submits the page hitting Enter; furthermore, we'll look at a workaround.

A lenyeg:
The issue centers around the way that Internet Explorer posts back the form's controls when hitting enter in a form with only one single-line textbox. Specifically, Internet Explorer does not include the submit button's name/value pair in the post body. Since the submit button's name/value pair is not sent back, the ASP.NET engine cannot determine what induced the postback and therefore can't raise the appropriate Button Web control's Click event.
Without the information as to what button caused the postback, the ASP.NET engine cannot raise the corresponding button's Click event. Hence, if you have a Web Form with just one single-line text input (even if there are additional input fields, like CheckBoxLists, RadioButtonLists, DropDownLists, and so on), hitting enter in the text input will not cause the Button Web control's Click event to fire when using Internet Explorer - other browsers, such as FireFox, always send back the button's name/value pair, even if there is only one text input.

For additional information about Enter and form submission, as well as JavaScript techniques for disabling submissions via Enter and ensuring submissions via Enter (for older browsers), be sure to check out the following articles:
FORM submission and the ENTER key?
Using JavaScript to prevent or trigger form submission when ENTER is hit
FAQs relating to 'Pressing Enter Key for Form Submission'

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Greg Wilson: Top Ten Data Crunching Tips and Tricks

Every day, all over the world, programmers have to recycle legacy data, translate from one vendor's proprietary format into another's, check configuration files, and yank data out of web server logs. This kind of programming is usually called data crunching, and while it's not glamorous, knowing how to do it with the least amount of effort can make the difference between meeting a deadline and making another pot of coffee. These ten tips will take the headache out of crunching data.

1. Master the Classic Tools
2. Separate Input, Processing, and Output
3. Store Format Information in the Data Itself
4. Understand International Character Sets
5. Use Reluctant Matches and Graphical Tools
6. Nest and Subtract to Negate
7. Check for Holes
8. Use XSLT (with Caveats)
9. Use XPath Without Using XSLT
10. Check Your Work

Rules of NBA

Official Rules of the National Basketball Association

Official Referee Hand Signals

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Web Design patterns; AJAX patterns

Web Design patterns

AJAX patterns


Ian Suttle: Applying AJAX Using ASP.NET 1.1

You’ve heard of it. It is the latest buzz term for web programmers these days. AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX gains its popularity by allowing data on a page to be dynamically updated without having to make the browser reload the page. I will describe more about how AJAX works, and then go into some sample code to try out.

Ami a GetUsernameList()-ben tortenik az eleg csunya, de itt most nem is ez a lenyeg.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Chip Chapin: Chip's CD Media Resource Center

What's Here

This document contains basic practical information for users of CD media, especially CD-recordable, or CD-R. Serious users of CD-R will naturally have several important questions about the medium, including:

* What kind should I buy?
* How long will they last?
* Does recording speed matter?

This document provides answers (with varying degrees of authority) for each of these questions.

Besides the basic information, I felt it necessary or worthwhile to include some detailed background information about the structure and organization of the discs. How many bits are stored on CD? Lots more than most people realize. This was the type of information that I thought would be easy to find on the internet in the year 2000. But it wasn't. I had to check and compare a number of different sources in order to pull it all together.

Disclaimer: I am not now, nor ever have been, an expert on CD media. These were my own questions. In researching the answers for myself I wrote this document. -- Chip

Why This Document?

In December 2000 I completed a project transferring about 5 hours of audio interviews with elder family members to audio CDs using CD-Rs. My intent was that the discs would last for at least one family generation (25 years or more).

But the very day that I sent out copies to various family members I began to worry about how long these CD-Rs would last. I vaguely recalled hearing something about the instability of the dye layer. I didn't know what the "dye layer" was -- perhaps it would fade or run? Kodak offers CD-Rs that are supposed to last 12 times longer (than what?). Should I redo all the copies using these special archival (i.e. "more expensive") media?

I also began to worry that I had erred in recording my discs at high speed (8x). One of my friends had heard that CD-R creation is somehow better when done at low speed (1x or 2x). I know that low speed duplication is superior for analog tape, but it had never occurred to me that it could make any difference to a digital medium.

Anyway, having no real idea of how long CD-Rs would last, or of the real differences between "gold" and "silver" discs, etc., I decided to research the questions. My results are summarized here, along with many links that I found helpful along the way.

Andy McFadden's CD-Recordable FAQ

What does this FAQ cover (and not cover)?

This document attempts to answer Frequently Asked Questions about Compact Disc Recordable technology and related fields. It was originally developed as a Usenet newsgroup FAQ, and is updated and posted about once a month. The main foci are explaining CD-R technology, describing hardware and software solutions for creating audio CDs and CD-ROMs, and helping people find solutions to common problems.

The FAQ is heavily biased toward PCs and computer-based recorders, because that's what I'm most familiar with, but I have made an effort to include useful information for owners of other equipment. I don't anticipate the section on stand-alone audio CD recorders expanding greatly, because they're far simpler to operate than computer-based recorders, and most of the "must know" information about them is more appropriate in an FAQ on stereo systems or studio recording. I do try to address deficiencies in Macintosh coverage.

I don't usually address questions that can be phrased, "how do I make my software do this?" The answers to those should be in the manual that came with your software. In general, this is a collection of answers to specific questions, not a "how to" guide. I have tried to make the answers easy to understand by an inexperienced user, but if you know absolutely nothing about recording CDs then some sections may be confusing.

This is not a newsletter. Actively maintained web sites are a much better source of breaking news than this document, which is updated at most once a month. I also don't try to track moving targets, like CD recorder firmware versions or software versions unless a specific release is especially interesting. Ditto for which recorders work with which packet-writing solutions, or which recorders can overburn.

This FAQ does not, and will not, cover DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, or any of the other formats in the ever-expanding DVD morass. There are other resources on the web for DVD topics.

You will not find a lot of detail about "backing up" copy-protected software, or where to find unlock codes or "warez". There are many web sites that explain these matters at length.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Memoriakartyak digitalis fenykepezogepekhez

Az index cikke cimszavakban:
Jelenleg forgalomban lévő legfontosabb kártyatípusok
De vajon mennyire elterjedtek az egyes típusok?
Milyet vegyünk?
Milyen sebességűt?
Mekkora kapacitásút vásároljunk?
A szokásos kérdés: márkásat vagy nem márkásat vegyek?
Speciális kártyák

A cikkben tobb helyen emlegetett RAW formatum:
A felsőbb kategóriás digitális fényképezőgépek többsége lehetővé teszi az érzékelő (CCD vagy CMOS) által rögzített képeket feldolgozás nélkül, nyers (RAW) formátumban történő elmentését. A módszer előnye, hogy a kép sokkal több információt tartalmaz, mint amit a JPEG formátumban le lehet tárolni, így a kép expozíciójának, fehéregyensúlyának és egyéb jellemzőjének állítása, finomhangolása utólag is "büntetés nélkül" elvégezhető. A nyers formátum használatának a hátránya, hogy a képek utólagos feldolgozás nélkül használhatatlanok. A nyers formátumot digitális negatívként is emlegetik.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Igy jellemzik magukat:

-Egy oldal mindazoknak akik szeretik a képregényeket, kortól és nemtől függetlenül...
-Egy oldal, ahol lelkes (amatőr) fordítók és beírók egyre népesebb csapata igyekszik igényes tálalásban, magyar nyelven közkinccsé tenni a világ válogatott képregényirodalmát...
-Egy oldal, ahol rábukkanhatunk gyermekkorunk kedvenc képregényeire...
-Egy oldal, ahol hasonló erdeklődésű emberekkel oszthatjuk meg véleményünket, ötleteinket... akár a gondjainkat is...
-Egy oldal, ahol mindig friss információkat kaphatunk erről a hazánkban kissé háttérbe szorult művészeti ágról és az ahhoz kapcsolódó eseményekről, rendezvényekről...

Ebbol nekem a 3. pont tetszett legjobban. Tobbek kozott ilyeneket talaltam:
Dr Bubo
Fix es Foxi
Lucky Luke
Mezga Csalad
Rejto Sorozat

Friday, May 13, 2005

[MS Word] a PageSetup.PaperSize megvaltoztatasa atallitja a PageSetup.Orientation-t is

Ha kodbol szeretne az ember elfektetni a papirjat es beallitani a papirmeretet is, akkor vigyazni kell a sorrendre, mert a PageSetup.PaperSize megvaltoztatasa automatikusan atallitja a PageSetup.Orientation-t wdOrientPortrait-ra (0), tehat ha valaki azt irja, hogy:

doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape
doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.PaperSize = wdPaperA4

akkor ugyanugy allo papirja lesz, mintha el se fektette volna. Ezert jobb a forditott sorrend:

doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.PaperSize = wdPaperA4
doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape

Nem hiszem, hogy ez lenne a normalis mukodes. Inkabb valami hibanak tunik. Igy mukodik a 7-es Word-ben es a 11-esben is.

Ezzel a macro-val ki lehet probalni:

Sub ChangeOrientation()

Dim doc

Set doc = Documents.Add()
Call MsgBox(doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.Orientation)
doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape
Call MsgBox(doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.Orientation)
doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.PaperSize = wdPaperA4
Call MsgBox(doc.Sections(1).PageSetup.Orientation)

End Sub

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Method Studios

Ok keszitettek az a Powerade reklamot, amiben James dobalja az egeszpalyasokat. Csinaltak egy halom mas dolgot is, amibol sokminden megtekintheto az oldalukon.
A kosarlabda az ember legjobb baratja.
A kosarlabda nem is olyan jo barat.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Scott Mitchell: Why I Don't Use DataSets in My ASP.NET Applications

...during my talk I mentioned how I, personally, rarely, if ever, use DataSets in my ASP.NET applications, sticking with the good ol' DataReader instead. Since then I have received a number of emails from attendees asking me why I don't use DataSets. Rather than responding to each questioner individually, I decided to write this article explaining my rationale.

A lenyeg:
Simply put, the DataSet's increased feature set makes it a less performant choice for reading data than the DataReader.

2 forrasra hivatkozik:
- According to A Speed Freak's Guide to Retrieving Data in ADO.NET, the DataReader is roughly thirty times more performant than the DataSet.
- Additional statistics can be found at Performance Comparison: Data Access Techniques, which compares the DataSet and DataReader against a number of common data access scenarios. The end result is that the DataReader is more performant than the DataSet, although this particular article's results do not show as large a performance difference between these two data objects as the Speed Freak article does.

Felteszi a kerdest: When is a DataSet Useful?
Es 2 ilyen lehetoseget hoz fel:
-In a desktop, WinForms application.
-For sending/receiving remote database information or for allowing communication between disparate platforms.
De hozzateszi:
Now, how often are you doing either of these things in your day-to-day ASP.NET development? Hardly ever, I'd wager, which is why you probably shouldn't be using DataSets! While the ASP.NET data Web controls are rather indifferent on what data object you use, you are suffering from a performance loss by choosing to use a DataSet.

A konkluzioja:
In this article we examined the fundamentals of the two data access objects provided by ADO.NET: the DataReader and the DataSet. Both objects have their time and place in .NET applications but, in my opinion, DataSets are rarely, if ever, useful in ASP.NET Web applications. There are exceptions, granted, but for the majority of Web applications, DataReaders should be used exclusively.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


"Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken." (John 21:11)

153 is a neat number. Here are four reasons:

1. 153 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17

2. 153 = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5! (i.e., 1 + (1 x 2) + (1 x 2 x 3) + (1 x 2 x 3 x 4) + (1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5))

3. 153 = 13 + 53 + 33

4. 153 lies dormant in every third number. Take any multiple of three, sum the cubes of its digits, take the result, sum the cubes of its digits, take the results, etc. Believe me. You eventually get 153. Take 12, for example.
13 + 23 = 9.
93 = 729.
73 + 23 + 93 = 1080.
13 + 03 + 83 + 03 = 513.
Finally, 53 + 13 + 33 = 153.


Friendly Numbers

Pythagoras considered 220 and 284 to be friendly (or amicable). He even wrote: "[A friend] is the other I, such as are 220 and 284". Aristotle also used the notion of friendly numbers to characterize friendship (in his work "Ethics"). So what makes the numbers 220 and 284 so special? Their property is that each is equal to the sum of the other's proper divisors. The proper divisors of 220 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55, and 110, and they sum up to 284; the proper divisors of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142, and they sum up to 220.

Itt olvashato Ibn Qurra Ibrahim friendly numbers kereso algoritumusa. :: Math is an attitude

Want to learn how to quickly square a number that ends in 5? Or how to tell if a number is divisible by 3? Or maybe you'd like to know why the number 153 in the Bible is such an interesting number? That's the kind of fun and fascinating math tricks and trivia you'll find here at

Friday, April 29, 2005

Not Another C# Versus VB Article

This article explains the benefits of a Microsoft .NET application development organization coding in C# versus coding in VB.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

EqWorld - The World of Mathematical Equations

Equations play a crucial role in modern mathematics and form the basis for mathematical modelling of numerous phenomena and processes in science and engineering.

The EqWorld website presents extensive information on solutions to various classes of ordinary differential, partial differential, integral, functional, and other mathematical equations. It also outlines some methods for solving equations, includes interesting articles, gives links to mathematical websites, lists useful handbooks and monographs, and refers to scientific publishers, journals, etc.

David Eppstein oldala

Van itt sokminden, peldaul:

Number-Theoretic Hacks: I have implemented a number of simple number-theoretic algorithms for my own amusement, and provide them here on the net.

Combinatorial Game Theory: Combinatorial Game Theory studies strategies and mathematics of two-player games of perfect knowledge such as chess or go (but often either concentrating instead on simpler games such as nim, or solving endgames and other special cases). An important distinction between this subject and classical game theory (a branch of economics) is that game players are assumed to move in sequence rather than simultanously, so there is no point in randomization or other information-hiding strategies.

Geometry in Action: This page collects various areas in which ideas from discrete and computational geometry (meaning mainly low-dimensional Euclidean geometry) meet some real world applications. It contains brief descriptions of those applications and the geometric questions arising from them, as well as pointers to web pages on the applications themselves and on their geometric connections. This is largely organized by application but some major general techniques are also listed as topics.

The Geomety Junkyard: These pages contain usenet clippings, web pointers, lecture notes, research excerpts, papers, abstracts, programs, problems, and other stuff related to discrete and computational geometry. Some of it is quite serious, but I hope much of it is also entertaining.

The Galileo Project

The Galileo Project is a source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Our aim is to provide hypertextual information about Galileo and the science of his time to viewers of all ages and levels of expertise.

KaBol - Knot a Braid of Links

KaBoL is a "cool math site of the week" service to the mathematics community provided within Camel by the Canadian Mathematical Society. Since it was launched in 1996, KaBoL has featured hundreds of valuable math pages.

Kar, hogy utoljara tavaly szeptemberben nyultak hozza, de azert igy is sok mindent lehet talalni.

The Sound of Mathematics

This site has GM MIDI files of algorithmic music determined by mathematics and the musical preferences of a human.
A kedvenceim:
Pascal haromszog
The Omega Constant
Euler phi fuggvenye
Fibonacci sorozat

The Prime Pages

The Prime Pages: Access to hundreds of pages of award-winning information on prime numbers--with links to thousands of pages elsewhere. We host the searchable database of the 5000 largest known primes (updated weekly). We also have a glossary, top 10 records lists, prime-music, programs, free downloads, and much more!

Mersenne primek

Mersenne prim a wikipedian.

Marin Mersenne

Mersenne Primes: History, Theorems and Lists

Will Edgington Mersenne prim oldala

GIMPS: The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search

Friday, April 08, 2005

Skype is free Internet telephony

Skype is for calling other people on their computers or phones.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Stopdesign was founded in 1998 by Douglas Bowman as a small design consultancy. This site is a collection of creative work and shared thinking representing the collaborative problem solving, simple solutions, and cost-effective results Stopdesign produces and delivers for clients and readers around the world.

Monday, March 14, 2005

1848 - stratégiai játék

A honlapról elérhető és ingyenesen letölthető játék a Sulinet Digitális Tudásbázison digitális tananyagokkal egészül ki.

Itt van a fooldal es a temakorok:

Number Theory
Calculus & Diff Eqs
Probability & Statistics
Set Theory & Foundations
Reflections on Relativity
Animated Illustrations
Combined List of Articles

A Walk Through Time

An illustrated history of timekeeping from ancient times to the present.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Erich Friedman oldala

A fooldalrol ezekre a helyekre lehet eljutni:

Math Magic is a web site devoted to original mathematical recreations.

Packing Center

Puzzle Palace


What's Special About This Number?: kulonbozo tudnivalok a szamokrol 0-9999

Periodic Table of Mathematicians

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Nyugat, 1908-1941

Olvashato a MEK-en.

This is the official site about Jef Raskin, author of The Humane Interface (Addison-Wesley 2000), creator of Apple's Macintosh, the Canon Cat, click-and-drag selection and other inventions. He coined the term and the concept of "information appliances." This site contains works by and about him, including Jef's writings on a variety of subjects. There is also a tediously long curriculum vitae. Lots of dates and references if you need them. Otherwise, skip it.

This site also contains pointers to a current project to implement many of the features and methods described in Jef's recent book. The project, a part of the new Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces, is called "Archy" and will be available for download later this year. This site was designed and is maintained by Galen Panger and Aza Raskin.

Friday, March 04, 2005

What were Einstein and Gödel talking about?

Egy erdekes cikk a The New Yorker-ben amibol peldaul kiderul, hogy Einsteinnek megtiltota a Sved Akademia, hogy a Nobel dij atvetelekor a relativitaselmeleterol beszeljen, mert azt nem ismertek el, igy o inkabb Stockholm helyett Goteborgban tartotta koszonobeszedet, ahol a relativitas irant erdeklodo V. Gustav kiraly az elso sorban ulve hallgatta.

Azt is megtudhatjuk, hogy Godel olyan alaposan felkeszult az alkotmanybol a amerikai allampolgarsagi tesztjere, hogy az ertekelo hivatalnoknak be akarta bizonyitani, hogy az alkotmanyukban levo kovetkezetlenseg lehetove teszi egy diktator felemelkedeset. A szobaban Einsetein es Oskar Morgenstern fogtak vissza, nehogy kitoloncolas legyen a vege.

Az is kiderul, hogy nem csak a fiatalsaguk volt tele nehezseggel, de utolso eveikre ismet bekemenyedett az eletuk.

A 3 konyv, aminek tulajdonkeppen az ismertetoje a fenti cikk:
John S. Rigden: Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness
Rebecca Goldstein: Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Godel (Great Discoveries)
Palle Yourgrau: A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy Of Godel And Einstein

Elementary Number Theory

Petertol jott a link:

William Stein: Elementary Number Theory

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Lewis Carroll Society of North America

Welcome to the Lewis Carroll home page. We hope to provide useful information for the Carroll enthusiast as well as the novice and all those in between. Cyberspace seems a suitable home for information regarding a man who didn't want his true identity linked to his best work. I was told to mention that he wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Professor David E. Joyce

David E. Joyce oldalan sok erdekesseg van. Tobbek kozott:

Euclid's Elements

The Huxley File: "This, THE HUXLEY FILE, is addressed to an audience ranging from those who never heard of Thomas Henry Huxley to those who are familiar with him and may even have read some of his work. For specific guidance on the various subjects he wrote about – fields ranging from the design of marine invertebrate structure to the design of a good human society – the cybernaut may refer to any of the 21 guides concluding this preview. Selections in THE HUXLEY FILE that appear only in obscure Victorian magazines or hidden archives will be of interest to those who do know him and may even have studied and published on him"

History of Mathematics

Phylogeny and Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees: These few pages describe the problem of reconstructing phylogenetic trees with the help of a Java applet.

Math Puzzles

Physics detective

Rufus Jaeger, a world-famous physicist, is killed while demonstrating a live quantum experiment on stage - but was it an accident? Follow our ten-part 'murder mystery' to track down the killer.

Mese a tudomanyos magyarazat logikajarol

Mese a tudományos magyarázat logikájáról

Hol volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy gazda meg egy napszámos. Egy szép napon kimentek a határba, hogy fölszántsanak egy darab földet, amely régóta parlagon hevert. A környék híres volt kavicsból épített házairól és kerítéseirõl.

Amikor az emberek végeztek a munkával, látták, hogy mennyi kavicsot szántott ki az eke. A napszámos izgatottan kiáltott fel: "Nézze ezeket a kavicsokat! Milyen sokáig nõttek a földben!" A gazdát zavarba ejtette ez az ontológiai kitörés, és csak annyit vetett oda: "Már régóta a földben lehettek, de egyáltalán nem nõttek." "Dehogynem! Hiszen nem egyformák! Vannak köztük öregebbek. Nézze azokat a nagyokat!" – hangzott a válasz. A gazda hátratolta a sapkáját, megvakarta a homlokát, és megkérdezte: "Ha egy göröngyöt földhöz vágok, nem törik egyforma darabokra, ugye? A nagyságnak semmi köze a korhoz." Majd egyre türelmetlenebbül folytatta: "Amikor felszántjuk a földet, mindig kiszedjük a köveket meg a kavicsokat. Minden évben egy kicsit jobban megtisztul a föld. Ez a darab sokáig parlagon hevert, ezért maradtak itt a kavicsok."

– Persze, békén hagytuk a kavicsokat. Ezért nõhettek nyugodtan.
– Ugyan már! Honnan veszed, hogy a kavicsok nõnek?
– Nézze csak meg a kerítéseket, ott az út mentén! Mindegyik düledezik, ugye?
– Na és? Mi köze ehhez?
– Sok. A kerítéseket ezekbõl a kavicsokból építjük. A kavicsok növekednek és kinyomják a habarcsot. Amikor már nincs köztük több habarcs, a fal ledõl.
– A fenét! A habarcsot a szél morzsolja szét. Amikor teljesen szétmállik a habarcs, semmi se tartja össze a kavicsokat. Hát ezért dõl le fal.

A napszámos a gazda arcát fürkészte, és csöndben tûnõdött ezen az egetverõ ostobaságon. A gazda megértette a pillantást, s már azon volt, hogy feladja. Hülye paraszt! Hirtelen nagyszerû ötletet támadt. Eszébe jutott a városháza a közeli nagyvárosban. Minden évben számtalan turista bámulja meg a gyönyörû épületet. Már több mint 300 éves, ráadásul kavicsból van. A gazda izgatottan fordult a napszámoshoz: "Gondolj a városházára! Ez a kavicsépület több száz éves, és még mindig áll! Na, ehhez mit szólsz? Kavicsból van, mégsem omlott össze." Válaszra sem várva folytatta: "Megmondom neked, miért. Mert a habarcsot minden évben átnézik, és ott, ahol kell, kicserélik. Ezért áll még mindig az épület."

A napszámos csak mosolygott, mindentudóan tekintett a gazdára és azt mondta: "Á, azokat a kavicsokat összetörték. Mindenki tudja: ha a kavicsot összetörik, meghal. Persze hogy áll a városháza. Az összes kavicsot megölték, hogy nõhetnének tovább? Nem is nyomják ki a habarcsot. Ezért nem dõl össze az épület." A gazda tudta, hogy vereséget szenvedett. Racionális érveit és remek bizonyítékait megdöntötték a racionális érvek és a zseniálisan felsorakoztatott bizonyítékok.

Patrick Doreian
The Journal of Irreproducible Results,
Selected Papers, 3rd ed., 1986. p. 182


Nemrégiben jelent meg a Wiley kiadónál a How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life (Hogyan mûködik...: A mindennapok fizikája) címû könyv. Szerzõje, Louis Bloomfield, a Virginiai Egyetem bölcsészhallgatóinak ajánlja "jegyzetként". De nemcsak a tanítványok kérdezhetnek Bloomfieldtõl. How Things Work címû Web-lapján bárki felteheti kérdéseit, és õ igyekszik válaszolni. Ezekbõl a kérdésekbõl és feleletekbõl közlünk itt hónapról hónapra válogatást Louis Bloomfield szíves engedélyével.


A New Scientist / Planet Science olvasói "tudományos" válaszra váró kérdéseket küldhetnek be a folyóiratnak. Ha szerencséjük van, néha több olvasó is felel (néha egy sem). Ezeken a lapokon a folyóirat kérdés-felelet archívumából közlünk idôrôl idôre válogatást.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Mana Mana - easy jazzy electronica

Skizoid barangolás a dub, easy-listening, jazz, electronica, hip-hop, broken beat, house sokszögben. Hírek, partidátumok és lemezajánlók meg amit akartok.

Friday, February 11, 2005

FM 34-40-2 Basic Cryptanalysis textbook

Washington, DC, 13 September 1990

Mathematics, Department of; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The mission of the Department of Mathematics is to pursue outstanding research and to provide high quality instruction in pure and applied mathematics. The Department offers mathematics instruction to undergraduate students in all disciplines. The Department has one of the largest and most comprehensive mathematics graduate programs in the world and supports a large number of postdoctoral positions, offering training for careers in the mathematical sciences. The distinguished faculty have interests in many areas of the mathematical sciences, including Actuarial Science, Algebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Differential Equations, Geometry, Logic, Number Theory, Probability Theory, and Topology. The Department's faculty conduct research that supports the on-going theoretical development of the mathematical sciences, and that simultaneously promotes the interdisciplinary use of mathematics in science, engineering and other fields.

The Math Times is published twice a year by the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Algebraic Number Theory Archives

K-theory Preprint Archives

Robert B. Ash online konyvei

Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year
A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
A Course In Commutative Algebra
Complex Variables
A Pari/GP Tutorial

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Elonka Dunin krypto oldala
Ilyesmivel foglalkozik:

This is an unofficial list of well-known unsolved codes and ciphers. A couple of the better-known unsolved ancient historical scripts are also thrown in, since they tend to come up during any discussion of unsolved codes. There has also been an attempt to sort this list by "fame", as defined by a loose formula involving the number of times that a particular cipher has been written about, and/or how many hits it pulls up on a moderately-sorted web search.

Kryptos is a sculpture located on the grounds of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Installed in 1990, its thousands of characters contain encrypted messages, of which three have been solved (so far). There is still a fourth section at the bottom consisting of 97 or 98 characters which remains uncracked. This webpage contains some information about the sculpture, including some photos collected from around the web, some rubbings of the sculpture taken by your intrepid webmistress, links to other articles and Kryptos discussion groups here and there, and information about other encrypted sculptures which have been created by the sculptor, James Sanborn.

Books and Online Resources on Cryptography - Recommended Reading List

The Cyrillic Projector - Another Sanborn code-sculpture

think again!

think again! will present a math problem every day. Sundays, Nundays, Rainy Days, and Nonexisiting Days included.

Why? you cry! A lot of reasons. Here are two.

If you are a math teacher or a parent you should feed your kids problems and challenges, not answers and the remote. Good problems are not easy to come by, so I will collect some here.

If you like to exercise your mind, I like to hear your thinking. That is what the comments section is for. How do you solve problems? Don't just give the answer, tell me how you found it. I like to learn from you.

Learning starts with questions and problems, not with answers and solutions. John Locke was right when he said that the mind is a fire to be ignited, not a pot to be filled.

The problems in 'think again!' are not problems, they are seeds to start you thinking. If a problem is too hard, simplify it. If a problem is too easy, generalise it. If a problem is not to your taste, solve a similar problem. Whatever you do, post a comment and share your thinking. Challenge the other readers, share with them your findings and how your mind operates.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

OOoLatexEquation es TexPoint

OOoLatexEquation is an macro designed to manipulate LaTeX equations. It allows to insert equations into OOWriter and OOImpress documents as PNG images.

TexPoint is a Powerpoint add-in that enables the easy use of Latex symbols and formulas in Powerpoint presentations.

Wish List

Volt egy az amazonon is, meg ossze vissza mindenfele felretett linkek. Kiraktam ide oldalra, mert egyreszt jo, ha ossze van gyujtve, masreszt kozeleg az XXX es hatha a rokonok nem tudjak mivel lepjenek meg. Esetleg van valaki aki neha ranez erre a blogra es tud segiteni a tobbieknek is. (Ugye erted Ricsi?!:-)

Eric Meyer's Color Blender

This is the one the kids all love. Supply two color values in either hex, short hex, RGB percentages, or RGB decimals and get as many as ten colors shades between the two you supplied. Great for finding a color halfway between two shades you like, or mixing two colors together in various proportions.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

CC Mixter - The remix family tree

This is a community music sharing site featuring songs licensed under Creative Commons. To get this project started, we've dedicated the space to WIRED Magazine's November 2004 Issue, which featured 16 songs licensed under the Sampling Licenses. If you're into music, browse this site to hear the original WIRED tracks, and below each new songs that people have built from sampling them. If you're into sampling and cut-ups, we have the full tracks and loops in a ready to mix format.

Zagar azaz Zsager Balazs oldala

Monday, January 31, 2005

O'Reilly Web Develpers' Library

HTML: The Definitive Guide By Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy
CGI Programming on the World Wide Web By Shishir Gundavaram
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide By David Flannagan
Programming Perl By Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Randal L. Schwartz
Web Master in a Nutshell By Stephen Spainhour & Valerie Quercia

Combined Index
Combined Search

Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats y James D. Murray and William vanRyper

Why did we write this book? The short answer is that graphics file formats are immortal. Like it or not, data files from the dawn of the computer age are still with us, and they're going to be around for a long time to come. Even when the way we think about data itself changes (as it inevitably will), hundreds of millions of files will still be out there in backup storage. We'll always need a way to read, understand, and display them.

Symbolic Link Format

The Microsoft SYLK (Symbolic Link) format is used mainly for the interchange of spreadsheet data between applications such as Microsoft Multiplan and Excel. Files in this format might also be imported directly by business graphics applications. SYLK files are written entirely in ASCII and, like Lotus DIF and SDI, are application-independent. SYLK, however, incorporates several features not found in other spreadsheet data interchange formats.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Background applications listening for keyboard activity

The KeyboardListener class presented here allows capturing keyboard events even when another application is running in the foreground. Several threads inside your application might be listening for events in parallel, each handling the events in its own way.

The KeyboardListener class can only be used on Windows XP because its implementation depends on the Win32 methods RegisterRawInputDevices and GetRawInputData which are currently only available on XP.

Creative Commons & Science Commons

Creative Commons offers a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors and artists. We have built upon the "all rights reserved" of traditional copyright to create a voluntary "some rights reserved" copyright. We're a nonprofit. All of our tools are free.

The mission of Science Commons is to encourage scientific innovation by making it easier for scientists, universities, and industries to use literature, data, and other scientific intellectual property and to share their knowledge with others. Science Commons works within current copyright and patent law to promote legal and technical mechanisms that remove barriers to sharing.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Cairo - a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output


Cairo is a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality display and print output. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, OpenGL (via glitz), in-memory image buffers, and image files (PNG and PostScript). Initial work has begun on support for PDF file output. Cairo is designed to produce identical output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (eg. through the X Render Extension or OpenGL).

Cairo provides a stateful user-level API with capabilities similar to the PDF 1.4 imaging model. Cairo provides operations including stroking and filling Bezier cubic splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and antialiased text rendering.

Cairo was once named Xr, (or Xr/Xc), so if you came looking for that software, you've found it.

Cairo is a free software library available under either the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the Mozilla Public License (MPL).

This website is a wiki. If you'd like to experiment with it, please play in the sandbox.

MS Internal Coding Guidelines

Brad Abrams (Microsoft): Internal Coding Guidelines


FxCop is a code analysis tool that checks .NET managed code assemblies for conformance to the Microsoft .NET Framework Design Guidelines. It uses reflection, MSIL parsing, and callgraph analysis to inspect assemblies for more than 200 defects in the following areas:
  • Library design
  • Localization
  • Naming conventions
  • Performance
  • Security

FxCop includes both GUI and command line versions of the tool, as well as an SDK to create custom rules.

Mozilla and XForms

"Traditional HTML Web forms don't separate the purpose from the presentation of a form. XForms, in contrast, are comprised of separate sections that describe what the form does, and how the form looks. This allows for flexible presentation options, including classic XHTML forms, to be attached to an XML form definition."

"This XForms project has the goal to implement the W3C's XForms 1.0 recommendation in Mozilla."

Sunday, January 23, 2005


A irjak:

Why use XUL?

The XML User Interface Language (XUL) is a markup language for creating rich dynamic user interfaces. It is a part of the Mozilla browser and related applications and is available as part of Gecko. It is designed to be portable and is available on all versions of Windows, Macintosh as well as Linux and other Unix flavours. With XUL and other Gecko components, you can create sophisticated applications without special tools.

XUL was designed for creating the user interface of the Mozilla application including the web browser, mail client and page editor. XUL may be used to create these types of applications. However, it may also be used any place you would use currently use a web application, for instance, when you need to be able to retrieve resources from the network and require a richer user interface. Like HTML, in XUL you can create an interface using a markup language, use CSS style sheets to define appearance and use JavaScript for behavior. You also have access to programming interfaces for reading and writing to remote content over the network and for calling web services. Unlike HTML however, XUL provides a rich set of user interface widgets for creating menus, toolbars, tabbed panels, and hierarchical trees to give a few examples.

This means you don't have to look for third party code or include a large block of JavaScript in your application just to handle a popup menu. XUL has all of these elements built-in. In addition, the elements are designed to look and feel just like those on the user's native platform, even supporting OS level themes in Windows XP and MacOS X. Or, if you prefer, you can use standard CSS to create your own look. The XUL widgets also support localization and have support for accessibility using OS level accessiblity interfaces.