Friday, July 28, 2006

Hosts file

In computing, a hosts file, stored on the computer’s filesystem, is used to look up the Internet Protocol address of a device connected to a computer network. The hosts file describes a many-to-one mapping of device names to IP addresses. When accessing a device by name, the networking system will attempt to locate the name within the hosts file if it exists. Typically, this is used as a first means of locating the address of a system, before accessing the Internet domain name system. The reason for this is that the hosts file is stored on the computer itself and does not require any network access to be used, whereas DNS requires access to an external system, which is typically slower.
Bovebben Why won’t my session variables stick?

Itt van 10 dolog, ami miatt “elveszhet” a session valtozo.

Mi a 4-esbe futottunk bele, azaz: “If you are using IE 5.5 or IE 6.0, and your local server name has an underscore or other non-alphanumeric character (other than a dash) in the name, then cookies will not work correctly.”

K. Scott Allen: Impersonation and Application_Start in ASP.NET

Itt van az egesz, de a lenyeg:

…impersonation isn’t “on” during Application_Start… Application_Start is an odd event. It’s not really a request related event, but of course it won’t fire until the first event arrives. The ASP.NET runtime doesn’t start impersonation until it begins to process the request in earnest. This event fires just before impersonation begins, during a time when ASP.NET is laying out the cocktail napkins and setting up for the party.

Friday, July 14, 2006


CAPTCHA stands for “completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart.” What it means is, a program that can tell humans from machines using some type of generated test. A test most people can easily pass but a computer program cannot.

This article demonstrates how to create such an image and employ it within an ASP.NET web form.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

episztemologia, echolalia

episztemológia: A megismerés feltételeit, határait meghatározó tanítás. A megismerés módszereit próbálja meghatározni, a tudományok alapjaival foglalkozik. Azt szeretné meghatározni, hogy mi a tudás, illetve, hogy mi a tudás megszerzésének legbiztonságosabb útja. Témakörébe egyaránt beletartozik a megismerés szubjektuma mint objektuma is.

echolália: Kényszer a hallott szavak visszhangszerű utánzására.